Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond - Singleplayer

Respawn Entertainment, 2018 - 2021, Unreal Editor 4

Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond is a WWII first person shooter released on PC VR platforms. It has a full singleplayer campaign, PvP multiplayer, and an Oscar winning documentary series embedded in the game.

I worked on 30 singleplayer level segments, 15 of them as the primary designer of level layout and gameplay scripting. Each level “segment” is an individual level load lasting between a couple to 15 minutes of gameplay. Additional tasks were UI scripting for game menus(we did not have a UI team) and mentoring new hires we had later in production.

To see my work on the multiplayer portion of the game, go here.

List of SP levels I worked on - Click on each level for a Youtube link

Below are some shots of blockout and final art from some of my levels. Click on an image to open them in full size.

A lot of the core game systems didn’t exist when I blocked out levels, of course, so I had to improvise.
For the tank featuring segment “Our Men Are Trapped,” that meant attaching static Panzer models to NPCs with rocket launchers for a makeshift enemy tank.

It was a joy to see playtesters of the early blockout realize this, at this moment!

Here are designer commentary videos I made on a few levels, to shed some light on my design process, specific challenges to each level and my solutions, reflections on limitations, and so on.

Fair warning on the cringe: I am a very awkward narrator…

Commentary on “Welcome To Norway,” focusing on the various ways I handled player agency paying off in small and detailed ways.

Breakdown of “Inside Scuttle,” on how I tackled the challenge of combat in a very narrow space. And adding a saxophone to play!

“Back on the Ground,” going over my design process and some behind the scenes shots


"Star Wars FPS"


Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond - Multiplayer