능력자 X (NX / A capable person X)

Joycity, 2010. Game homepage

NX is an online third-person PvP action game, with heroes of distinct ability kits and an ultimate skill to create portals in team based matches. The player can unlock or purchase heroes, cosmetics, and power-ups via card packs. The game launched full service in 2013 and is currently in service by Masangsoft Korea.

During my undergraduate studies, I was hired as an intern designer at Joycity (then JCE) in South Korea. The company had several online games in service and also in development, and NX was fairly early in development when I was placed there for the 2 month internship program. My tasks were writing design docs for their tutorial level, participating in daily internal tests, writing up feedback and bugs based on the changes made.

Even after demonstrating my skills to implement runtime gameplay, unfortunately I was never given in-editor work. More disheartening was the treatment I received; I was often asked to fetch coffee and pour drinks, and was on the receiving end of dismissive or inappropriate remarks. One silver lining is that being in a big game studio office, I was able to observe and learn how a team functions, and how ideas get on paper, and then become tasks for the departments.


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